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Image by Daniel McCullough


異象 Vision Statement

We believe that through faith in Jesus Christ, all men are one in Christ. Therefore, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we desire to work as one body toward the goal of  “declaring God’s glory among the nations” and spreading the “message of reconciliation” between man and God as well as among all people here in Hong Kong.

 (Gal. 3:26, 28; Ps. 96:3; 2 Cor. 5:19)

我們相信因信基督耶穌﹐人在基督裡都成為一了。因此﹐透過聖靈能力我們團結一志地“在列邦中述說神的榮耀”﹐傳講       〝人與神和好的信息〞給居住在香港的不同種族。 (加 3﹕26﹐28﹔詩96﹕3﹔林後5﹕19)

目的   Purpose Statement

Believing Jesus taught that the church should be a "house of prayer for all nations,” we seek to provide a vibrant prayer and worship center, which will be used to draw men and women from “many nations, tribes, people and languages” and equip them to share the good news of Jesus Christ among all people in Hong Kong and throughout the world.

      (Mark 11:17; Rev. 7:9)

相信耶穌教導教會應該是〝一個為萬國禱告的地方〞﹐我們致力提供一所禱告與敬拜中心﹐引領〝從各國、各族、各民、各方來的人〞﹐裝備他們在香港甚至世界各地去傳講耶穌基督的好消息。 (馬可 11﹕17﹔啟示錄 7﹕9)

Home: Our Mission
Image by Dev Benjamin


Harmony Baptist Church

The church was started in 2007 with a burden to reach the South-Asian community in Hong Kong. 

We began meeting on the rooftop of the flat where Pastor Chris and Maylin Hartwick were living in Shatin.  After two years, the church moved into Yau Ma Tei/Jordan, by renting a small flat on Wai Ching Street.  The Lord blessed the church and due to overcrowding,  we moved to the corner of Temple Street and Jordan Road. In late 2014, we felt God calling us to move to Wan Chai in order to reach out to the large number of Indonesians who gather there and nearby Causeway Bay on Sundays.  We also desire to be a lighthouse among the bargirls in Wan Chai and show them the hope they can have in Jesus Christ.

The church is made up of several different nationalities.  We strive to live up to our name of Harmony as we try to serve together in unity while keeping some of the distinctives of each ethnic groups.

Home: About



10:30 a.m.

Worship conducted in English with elements of Cantonese, Tagalog and Indonesian. Life groups after worship.


 12:00 p.m.

Learn more about God and His Word in Life Groups. Everyone is welcome to join!


13:00 p.m.

Everyone attending our worship services are invited to join with us for lunch.

Image by Pedro Dias
Home: Join Us
Image by Ronaldo de Oliveira


Lost and Found Refuge is a shelter ministry for women at risk including victims of debt bondage, job termination, migrant worker abuse as well as emergency housing for women escaping sex trafficking. Lost and Found Refuge is where women who find themselves at risk can stay and find hope in Jesus.

The Need

In Hong Kong, there are more than 300,000 women employed as domestic workers. A majority of these women at risk suffer from debt bondage in securing employment, and once employed often suffer various types of abuse. If their employment is terminated by the employer, or they leave due to the working conditions, they have two weeks to find a new job. If they cannot find a new job in that short amount of time, they are forced to return to their home country, often in a worse financial condition than when they left.

At Harmony Baptist Church, we realize that people often need to find physical, financial and emotional freedom as well as spiritual freedom. Besides preaching the gospel, an important part of our mission is to help those who find themselves enslaved as a result of debt bondage or sex trafficking.

In the first thirteen years of the church’s existence, we have worked at educating our attendees about the issues of debt bondage and sex trafficking. We have intervened with abusive employers of domestic helpers and confronted unscrupulous employment agencies. We also have an outreach among the prostitutes of the Hong Kong red light district.

This is why Lost and Found Refuge is so important.

One way that we help support the Refuge and also bring awareness and education about human slavery is through the creation of seaglass jewelry.  The broken glass weathered by the sea, collected on Hong Kong beaches and turned into jewelry is a picture of how God can redeem broken lives and make them beautiful for His glory. If you would like to learn more about this jewelry or help support the Refuge by purchasing one of these unique pieces, please click the link below.

Home: Our Values
Image by Aaron Burden

Donations Welcome

Please contact Pastor Chris at to find out how to partner financially with the ministry of Harmony Baptist Church  or give a one-time gift through bank deposit or at 7-Eleven or CircleK via TNG [fps - 轉數快].

Tax deductible donations can be made by cheque payable to "Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, Inc."  and mailed to

ABWE, Inc.

Flat A, 6/F, Park Tsuen Commercial Bldg.

189 Castle Peak Road

Tsuen Wan, N.T.

Home: Quote
Image by Sincerely Media


Harmony Baptist Church
May Wah Manison, 5/F
176 Johnston Road
Wan Chai, Hong Kong

(+852) 6031-0098

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